News in 0.6.0-alpha
Reagent 0.6.0-alpha contains new reactivity helpers, better
integration with native React components, a new version of
React (0.14.3), new React dependencies (react-dom
and react-dom-server
), better performance, and much
This is a quite big release, so it probably contains a fair amount of bugs as well…
Breaking changes
- Reagent now depends on
(see below). - The javascript interop macros
, in thereagent.interop
namespace are now called$
respectively (the old names clashed with bootstrapped ClojureScript). - Reactions, i.e
called with a function,reagent.ratom/reaction
are now lazy and executed asynchronously. Previously, reactions used to execute immediately whenever the atoms they depended on changed. This could cause performance issues in code with expensive reactions and frequent updates to state. However, this change may break existing code that depends on the timing of side-effects from running reactions.flush
can be used to force outstanding reactions to run at a given time. - Reactions now only trigger updates of dependent
components and other reactions if they produce a new result,
compared with
. Previously,identical?
was used. next-tick
is now guaranteed to execute its argument before the next render (more on that below.)
track: Use any function as a reactive value
takes a function, and
optional arguments for that function, and gives a
derefable (i.e ”atom-like”) value, containing whatever is
returned by that function. If the tracked function depends on a
Reagent atom, it is called again whenever that atom changes –
just like a Reagent component function. If the value returned
by track
is used in a component, the component is
re-rendered when the value returned by the function changes.
In other words, @(r/track foo x)
gives the
same result as (foo x)
– but in the first case,
foo is only called again when the atom(s) it depends on
Here's an example:
(ns example.core (:require [reagent.core :as r]))(defonce app-state (r/atom {:people {1 {:name "John Smith"} 2 {:name "Maggie Johnson"}}})) (defn people [] (:people @app-state)) (defn person-keys [] (-> @(r/track people) keys sort)) (defn person [id] (-> @(r/track people) (get id))) (defn name-comp [id] (let [p @(r/track person id)] [:li (:name p)])) (defn name-list [] (let [ids @(r/track person-keys)] [:ul (for [i ids] ^{:key i} [name-comp i])]))
Here, the name-list
component will only be
re-rendered if the keys of the :people
changes. Every name-comp
only renders again when
needed, etc.
Use of track
can improve performance in
three ways:
- It can be used as a cache for an expensive function, that is automatically updated if that function depends on Reagent atoms (or other tracks, cursors, etc).
- It can also be used to limit the number of times a
component is re-rendered. The user of
is only updated when the function’s result changes. In other words, you can use track as a kind of generalized, read-only cursor. - Every use of
with the same arguments will only result in one execution of the function. E.g the two uses of@(r/track people)
in the example above will only result in one call to thepeople
function (both initially, and when the state atom changes).
If you've been using reagent.ratom/reaction
etc, track
should be quite familiar. The main
difference is that track
uses named functions and
variables, rather than depending on closures, and that you
don’t have to manage their creation manually (since tracks are
automatically cached and reused).
Note: The first argument to track
should be a named function, i.e not an anonymous one. Also,
beware of lazy data sequences: don’t use deref (i.e ”@”) with
the for
macro, unless wrapped
in doall
(just like in Reagent components).
is another new function. It works just
like track
, except that the function passed is
invoked immediately, and continues to be invoked whenever any
atoms used within it changes.
For example, given this function:
(defn log-app-state [] (prn @app-state))
you could use (defonce logger (r/track!
to monitor changes
to app-state
. log-app-state
continue to run until you stop it, using (r/dispose!
with-let: Handling destruction
Reagent now has a new way of writing components that need
to do something when they are no longer around:
the with-let
macro. It looks just
like let
– but the bindings only execute once,
and it takes an optional finally
clause, that
runs when the component is no longer rendered.
For example: here's a component that sets up an event listener for mouse moves, and stops listening when the component is removed.
(defn mouse-pos-comp [] (r/with-let [pointer (r/atom nil) handler #(swap! pointer assoc :x (.-pageX %) :y (.-pageY %)) _ (.addEventListener js/document "mousemove" handler)] [:div "Pointer moved to: " (str @pointer)] (finally (.removeEventListener js/document "mousemove" handler))))
The same thing could of course be achieved with React lifecycle methods, but that would be a lot more verbose.
can also be combined
with track
(and other reactive contexts). For
example, the component above could be written as:
(defn mouse-pos [] (r/with-let [pointer (r/atom nil) handler #(swap! pointer assoc :x (.-pageX %) :y (.-pageY %)) _ (.addEventListener js/document "mousemove" handler)] @pointer (finally (.removeEventListener js/document "mousemove" handler)))) (defn tracked-pos [] [:div "Pointer moved to: " (str @(r/track mouse-pos))])
The finally
clause will run
when mouse-pos
is no longer tracked anywhere, i.e
in this case when tracked-pos
is unmounted.
can also generally be used instead of
returning functions from components that keep local state, and
may be a bit easier to read.
Event handling with rswap!
is another new function in 0.6.0. It
works like standard swap!
except that it
- always returns nil
- allows recursive applications of
on the same atom.
That makes rswap!
especially suited for event
Here’s an example that uses event handling
with rswap!
to edit the data introduced in the
section about track
(defn event-handler [state [event-name id value]] (case event-name :set-name (assoc-in state [:people id :name] value) :add-person (let [new-key (->> state :people keys (apply max) inc)] (assoc-in state [:people new-key] {:name ""})) state)) (defn emit [e] ;; (js/console.log "Handling event" (str e)) (r/rswap! app-state event-handler e)) (defn name-edit [id] (let [p @(r/track person id)] [:div [:input {:value (:name p) :on-change #(emit [:set-name id (.-target.value %)])}]])) (defn edit-fields [] (let [ids @(r/track person-keys)] [:div [name-list] (for [i ids] ^{:key i} [name-edit i]) [:input {:type 'button :value "Add person" :on-click #(emit [:add-person])}]]))
All events are passed through the emit
function, consisting of a trivial application
of rswap!
and some optional logging. This is the
only place where application state actually changes – the rest
is pure functions.
The actual event handling is done
in event-handler
, which takes state and event as
parameters, and returns a new state (events are represented by
vectors here, with an event name in the first position).
All the UI components have to do is then just to return
some markup, and set up routing of events through the emit
This architecture basically divides the application into two logical functions:
- The first takes state and an event as input, and returns the next state.
- The other takes state as input, and returns a UI definition.
This simple application could probably just as well use
the common swap!
instead of rswap!
but using swap!
in React’s event handlers may
trigger warnings due to unexpected return values, and may
cause severe headaches if an event handler called by emit
itself emits a new event (that would result in lost
events, and much confusion).
For a more structured version of a similar approach, see the excellent re-frame framework.
New React version and new namespaces
Reagent now depends on React version 0.14.3. React itself is now split into three parts, with separate packages for browser specific code, and HTML generation respectively.
To reflect that, two new namespaces have been introduced
in Reagent as well: reagent.dom
and reagent.dom.server
. They contain functions
that used to be in reagent.core
These functions are still available
in reagent.core
in this release (for backward
compatibility reasons), but they may be deprecated in the
The changes in React also mean that if you specify the
React version to use in your project.clj,
with cljsjs/react
in the :dependencies
section, you now have to specify cljsjs/react-dom
and cljsjs/react-dom-server
Better interop with native React
The output of create-class
can now be used
directly in JSX.
”Native React components” can now be used directly in
Reagent’s hiccup forms, using this syntax: [:>
nativeComp {:key "value"}]
. This might sometimes be more
convenient than using adapt-react-class
Reagent should now also be a bit easier to use in
node.js. If global React is not
defined (i.e React
, ReactDOM
and ReactDOMServer
), Reagent tries to
use require
instead, to get react, react-dom and
react-dom/server from npm.
Better cursor
Cursors are now cached, which should make them a bit
easier to use. Previously, every instance
of cursor
had its own state.
Now cursor
s called with the same arguments share
data, which means that components like this now make sense:
(defn cursor-example [] (let [first-person (r/cursor app-state [:people 1])] [:p "A person: " (:name @first-person)]))
Previously cursors were really only useful (in the sense that unnecessary re-renderings were avoided) when passed as arguments to child components.
Tapping into the rendering loop
The next-tick
function now has a more
predictable timing. The function passed
to next-tick
is now invoked immediately before the
next rendering (which is in turn triggered
using requestAnimationFrame
works just
like next-tick
, except that the function given is
invoked immediately after the next rendering.