News in 0.5.0
Reagent 0.5.0 has automatic importing of React.js, two kinds of cursors, better integration of native React components, better performance, easier integration with e.g Figwheel, and more.
A new way of importing React
Reagent now takes advantage of
ClojureScript’s new way of packaging JavaScript dependencies.
That means that you no longer have to include React in your
HTML, nor should you use :preamble
. Instead,
Reagent depends on the cljsjs/react
If you want to use another version of React, you can do
that in two ways. In both cases you’ll have to
exclude cljsjs/react
by using
e.g [reagent "0.5.0-alpha3" :exclusions [cljsjs/react]]
in the :dependencies
section of your project.clj
You can then add e.g [cljsjs/react-with-addons
as a dependency. Or you can add a file
named cljsjs/react.cljs
, containing
just (ns cljsjs.react)
, to your project – and then
import React in some other way.
Reagent now requires ClojureScript 0.0-2816 or later.
Splitting atoms
Reagent now has a simple way to make reusable components that edit part of a parents state:
The new wrap
function combines two parts – a simple value, and a callback
for when that value should change – into one value, that
happens to look as an atom.
The first argument to wrap
should be the
value that will be returned by @the-result
The second argument should be a function, that will be
passed the new value whenever the result is changed (with
optional extra arguments to wrap
prepended, as
with partial
Usage can look something like this:
Current state: {:name {:first-name "John", :last-name "Smith"}}
I'm editing John Smith.
(ns example (:require [reagent.core :as r]))(defonce person (r/atom {:name {:first-name "John" :last-name "Smith"}})) (defn input [prompt val] [:div prompt [:input {:value @val :on-change #(reset! val (.-target.value %))}]]) (defn name-edit [n] (let [{:keys [first-name last-name]} @n] [:div [:p "I'm editing " first-name " " last-name "."] [input "First name: " (r/wrap first-name swap! n assoc :first-name)] [input "Last name: " (r/wrap last-name swap! n assoc :last-name)]])) (defn parent [] [:div [:p "Current state: " (pr-str @person)] [name-edit (r/wrap (:name @person) swap! person assoc :name)]])
Here, the parent
component controls the
global state, and delegates editing the name
to name-edit
. name-edit
in turn
delegates the actual input of first and last names
to input
Note: The result from wrap
is just a
simple and light-weight value, that happens to look like an
atom – it doesn’t by itself trigger any re-renderings
like reagent.core/atom
does. That means that it
is probably only useful to pass from one component to another,
and that the callback function in the end must cause a ”real”
atom to change.
Reagent has another way of isolating part of
a data structure in an atom: reagent.core/cursor
Using the same state as in the previous example, usage now looks
like this:
Current state: {:name {:first-name "John", :last-name "Smith"}}
I'm editing John Smith.
(defn cursor-name-edit [n] (let [{:keys [first-name last-name]} @n] [:div [:p "I'm editing " first-name " " last-name "."] [input "First name: " (r/cursor n [:first-name])] [input "Last name: " (r/cursor n [:last-name])]])) (defn cursor-parent [] [:div [:p "Current state: " (pr-str @person)] [cursor-name-edit (r/cursor person [:name])]])
Cursors can now also be generalized to use
any transformation of data from and to a source atom (or many
atoms, for that matter). To use that, you pass a function
to cursor
instead of an atom, as in this
Current state: {:name {:first-name "John", :last-name "Smith"}}
I'm editing John Smith.
(defn person-get-set ([k] (get-in @person k)) ([k v] (swap! person assoc-in k v))) (defn get-set-parent [] [:div [:p "Current state: " (pr-str @person)] [cursor-name-edit (r/cursor person-get-set [:name])]])
The function passed to cursor
will be called
with one argument to get data (it is passed the key, i.e the
second argument to cursor
), and two arguments
when the cursor is changed (then it is passed the key and the
new value).
The getter function can reference one or many Reagent atoms (or other cursors). If the cursor is used in a component the getter function will re-run to change the value of the cursor just like a Reagent component does.
Values and references
So what’s the difference between wraps and cursors? Why have both?
A wrap
is just a value that happens to look
like an atom
. It doesn’t change unless you tell
it to. It is a very lightweight combination of value and a
callback to back-propagate changes to the value. It relies only
on Reagent’s equality test
in :should-component-update
to avoid unnecessary
A cursor
, on the other hand, will always be
up-to-date with the value of the source atom. In other words,
it acts a reference to part of the value of the source.
Components that deref
cursors are re-rendered
automatically, in exactly the same way as if
they deref
a normal Reagent atom (unnecessary
re-rendering is avoided by checking if the cursor's value has
changed using identical?
Faster rendering
Reagent used to wrap all ”native” React components in an extra Reagent component, in order to keep track of how deep in the component tree each component was (to make sure that un-necessary re-renderings were avoided).
Now, this extra wrapper-component isn’t needed anymore, which means quite a bit faster generation of native React elements. This will be noticeable if you generate html strings, or if you animate a large number of components.
Simple React integration
Since Reagent doesn't need those wrappers anymore it is
also now easier to mix native React components with Reagent
ones. There’s a new convenience
function, reagent.core/create-element
, that
simply calls React.createElement
. This,
unsurprisingly, creates React elements, either from the result
of React.createClass
or html tag names.
turns Reagent’s hiccup
forms into React elements, that can be passed to ordinary React
components. The combination of create-element
and as-element
allows mixing and matching of
Reagent and React components.
For an example, here are four different ways to achieve the same thing:
(defn integration [] [:div [ "Hello " [:strong "world"]] (r/create-element "div" #js{:className "foo"} "Hello " (r/create-element "strong" #js{} "world")) (r/create-element "div" #js{:className "foo"} "Hello " (r/as-element [:strong "world"])) [ "Hello " (r/create-element "strong" #js{} "world")]])
If you don't need/want this kind of low-level
control over interaction with javascript React, you can also
use the new function adapt-react-class
, that will
take any React class, and turn it into something that can be
called from Reagent directly. The example from above would then
(def div-adapter (r/adapt-react-class "div")) (defn adapted [] [div-adapter {:class "foo"} "Hello " [:strong "world"]])
You can also do the opposite: call Reagent
components from JavaScript React (for example from JSX). For
this purpose, you'd use another adapter
– reactify-component
– like this:
(defn exported [props] [:div "Hi, " (:name props)]) (def react-comp (r/reactify-component exported)) (defn could-be-jsx [] (r/create-element react-comp #js{:name "world"}))
The exported
component will be called with a
single argument: the React props
, converted to a
ClojureScript map
More equality
Reagent used to have a rather complicated way of
determining when a component should be re-rendered in response
to changing arguments. Now the rule is much simpler: a
component will be re-rendered if the old and new arguments are
not equal (i.e. they are compared with a
simple =
Note: This is a breaking change! It means
that you can no longer pass infinite seq
s to a
React 0.12
Reagent now comes with, and requires, React 0.12.2. To mirror the changes in API in React, some Reagent functions have gotten new names:
is nowrender
is nowrender-to-string
is nowas-element
The old names still work, though.
There is also a new
function, render-to-static-markup
, that works
just like render-to-string, except that it doesn’t add
React-specific attributes.
Easier live-programming
It is now easier than before to integrate Reagent with
e.g. the rather excellent figwheel, since render
will cause the entire component tree to update (by-passing the
equality checks).
All the examples in the Reagent repo now uses figwheel.